Best Social Media Networks for Playing Tennis Tournaments

Playing tennis tournaments on social media sites is becoming increasingly common. If you want to play in a tournament, you’re going to need to advertise it using Facebook or Twitter. Here is a short summary of the best options for you out there.


Twitter allows users to create their own “tweeting” accounts and then use them to share links, pictures, videos, and other multimedia content with friends and followers. Users can also add an image of themselves to their tweets as well, so if they don’t have a profile photo, they can still tweet from inside their phone.


With tens of millions of active users, Facebook is one of the most popular social networking websites today. And while it doesn’t directly offer any type of online tournaments, Facebook does allow users to create special events that anyone can join.

Google Plus

Another relatively new addition to the list, Google+ allows you to host small private groups that you can join by invitation only. These groups could include dozens of members or hundreds of thousands. Any member can tag posts or comments that have to do with the tennis tournament. This option comes in handy when you are trying to organize larger tournaments with lots of participants at different locations.


Although not technically considered a social network site, YouTube has become a very powerful tool for those who wish to host live sporting events on the net. YouTubers have made a name for themselves by hosting sports-related video games, games at real money casino, streaming live tennis matches, and even organizing real competitions like the World Cup.


While LinkedIn may be the least used social network amongst tennis players, it definitely offers much more than people realize. For example, you can create your own group pages which include the ability to invite friends to join. The group page will automatically show up in your public search results as long as the administrator gives permission for that to happen.


Be it an open tennis tournament, or a real money online competition, being able to play online lets you connect with others easily and fast. With the right tools, playing online means having fun without spending too much time! So, if you are planning on competing in some online tennis tournaments, make sure to check these platforms first!